Perhaps it's time to restructure the US Senate.
The US Senate has undergone reform before.
In the beginning, state legislatures, not voters, chose US Senators.
The US Senate was called ‘The Millionaires Club’ by many. There were accusations of corruption.
Discontentment with the Senate brought about the 17th Amendment, ratified 1913.
Why do we have US Senators?
Because a principle job of the US Senate is to represent the states; states are political entities, each in their own right.
State leaders have the right to express what they feel is in the best interest of the citizens of their own states,
apart from the uninformed or malevolent will of the voters.
And this is also why we have an electoral college;
that each state has rights,
apart from the rights of the voters,
with most states being an entity that existed before today's voters were born,
and will exist after today's voters die.
The electoral college helps keep the US Constitution intact.
The electoral college also hampers the bullying of one state’s interests by the citizens of another state.
Imagine if interior states wanted to establish international fishing boundaries at ¼ mile off the shoreline,
just so the inner states could have less expensive seafood?
What would happen to the US seafood industry?
We must never forget the value of states' rights and states' interests in our political process.
And we could parse this even farther and discuss the rights of counties within states.
I see a lot of bullying going on in states, between rural and metropolitan areas.
This is why I would like to propose the electoral college system be extended to the election of State Senators.
In this proposal, each county would receive 1 electoral vote for every x,000 voters, plus 1 electoral vote per county.
This would be figured into the numbers for the election of US Senators. This would help prevent bullying of rural counties.
Electoral College would not be necessary for House of Representative seats, because each state is divided into districts which make elections fairer. In fact, the electoral college is what make the US Senate as fair as the US House of Representatives.
Eric J. Rose